About Us

We have many interests in life but our passion is gravestone/cemetery preservation. While the weather is good you are most apt to see us in a cemetery: cleaning, resetting, leveling, straightening, or repairing gravestones. Other activities include clearing cemeteries of years of overgrowth before working on the gravestones located there, as well as sometimes mowing them.  We prefer our volunteer work but also do some paid work which helps offset our volunteer costs.

Wherever we travel we visit cemeteries. Our wanderings have made us curious about the men that carved the gravestones. Locally, we study the old sandstone carvers and have become very knowledgeable about them. Our original purpose for this website was to share this knowledge with others before it becomes lost to time. This information can’t be found anywhere else in the entirety that you will find it here.

Our passion for cemeteries is paralleled with an interest in local/regional/national history. When a topic interests us, we do further research on it. We also enjoy traveling and are curious about many of the things we encounter and love to photograph them.

In 2015, all our interests inspired us to start writing newspaper and newsletter articles and sharing our knowledge, research, and experiences. Since then, we have written over 100 articles and they are now collectively found on this website. We hope you enjoy what follows.